Thank you for taking the time to review my ideas. I realize in the modern world there are unending claims on your time, so I am grateful.
Summary. With the Cosmic Force Dynamics model, abbreviated CFD, we have a logical, simple structure with which to explain gravity, the galactic rotation curve, time dilation and the expansion of the universe. All that is needed is to assume that there exists some outgoing force among the basic constituents of the universe, which is reasonable based on the multiple lines of reasoning discussed in the Gravity page. There is no need for dark matter and dark energy or for reliance on abstract concepts such as four-dimensional space and curved space.
Possible extension. Perhaps there is a relationship to the concept of the “collapse of the wave function”, where a set of outgoing waves takes on a more stable configuration due to interaction with the environment. If that is true, CFD could conceivably apply to the quantum world as well as the astrophysical world.
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